Organizational Transformation

Change the trajectoryof your enterprise.

Business strategies are designed to be sustainable. But too often, they become self-perpetuating. Operational leaders recede into silos of responsibility; vision and ambition narrows; entropy takes control. Reversing these trends requires energy from executive and senior leaders, directed toward transformative objectives. And our team has long experience in helping visionary leaders enable alignment, spur initiative, and inspire the kind of creative thinking — and emotional commitment — that create meaningful impact and drive significant performance gains.

The need for organizational transformation may be driven by new opportunities and new ambitions, or by declining operational or competitive performance. In some cases, the need may become apparent during internal change projects or under external pressures. Specific cases may include:

  • Embarking on a major growth initiative for the enterprise
  • Significant change programs (e.g., two-year ERP implementation)
  • Strategic partnership development
  • Mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures
  • Reshaping of executive leadership teams

The Executive Team: Over the course of the engagement, we engage with the executive team in several multi-day sessions. This effort involves in-depth development as well as strategy work to help people sharpen their clarity of purpose and aspirational objectives. It also covers the mysterious topic of culture, and how leaders can foster an organizational culture that supports the strategy they’re pursuing.

Key Implementation Leaders: While executives frame the shape of the strategy and goals, much of the actual “how is it going to happen” takes place at this level (generally, these are the 75-100 next-level leaders who are essential to implementation). We work alongside this group, engaging them in individual and team coaching as they take on strategic initiatives and personal projects that require them to apply new tools and capabilities.

Critical stakeholders: Often this level of our work involves extended parts of the company and sometimes external collaborators. We think of this third layer of engagement as a path to reaching all the right people in the performance ecosystem, where transformation must happen systemically.

Leadership impact:

  • Cross-business collaboration and the dissolution of “silos”
  • Heightened productivity and focus
  • Greater accountability and responsibility
  • Increased willingness to take on big challenges
  • A new sense of optimism about the future and what can be accomplished
  • Increased levels of morale, enthusiasm and confidence
  • Improved stakeholder engagement on key strategies
  • Leadership alignment and collaboration on key goals

Organizational impact:

  • Increased financial returns (bottom line growth and/or market cap growth)
  • Increased Board and Shareholder confidence
  • Speed to market
  • Improved culture (increased employee satisfaction)